To promote the green transformation of the construction industry, Wuzhou City, Guangxi introduced a number of support measures to promote prefabricated buildings


On October 12, the reporter learned from the Wuzhou Housing Construction Bureau that in order to further promote the development and application of prefabricated buildings, Wuzhou recently issued the "Preferential Policies for Promoting the Development of Prefabricated Buildings in Wuzhou" (hereinafter referred to as "Preferential Policies"). Provide support to projects that participate in the promotion and application of prefabricated buildings.

Prefabricated construction refers to the transfer of a large amount of on-site work in the traditional construction method to the factory. That is, the building components and accessories are processed in the factory, transported to the construction site, and assembled and installed on-site through reliable connection methods. In recent years, the construction industry in Wuzhou City has continued to maintain rapid growth, but there are problems such as a long construction period and high consumption of resources and energy. Accelerating the development of prefabricated buildings is conducive to achieving energy saving and emission reduction and promoting the green transformation of the construction industry.

According to the "Preferential Policy", the development of prefabricated buildings in Wuzhou City is divided into a pilot demonstration period (2021-2022) and a promotion development period (2023-2025). By the end of 2022, the city's prefabricated buildings will account for more than 10% of new buildings, and the proportion of new affordable housing projects and government-invested projects in urban built-up areas will reach more than 10%. Cultivate 1 prefabricated building production base and create more than 2 prefabricated building demonstration projects.

According to the person in charge of the relevant department of the Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau, Wuzhou City will provide support policies such as land security, optimization of project construction, increased financial support, and tax and fee concessions for projects participating in prefabricated construction. At present, Tangbu Town, Teng County, Wuzhou City has built the first steel structure assembly building industrialization base, and the first steel structure assembly construction project-Teng County No. 6 Primary School. The newly started prefabricated building area exceeds 300,000 square meters, and the annual target task has been completed.

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