Hebei Province launches pilot demonstrations of rural housing construction and encourages the adoption of passive ultra-low energy consumption residential building energy-saving standards



The Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hebei Province recently issued the "Working Plan for Further Development of the Pilot and Demonstration of Rural Housing Construction" and proposed that 344 pilot villages in 28 pilot counties (cities, districts) in Hebei Province continue to carry out pilot demonstrations of rural housing construction. In addition to other counties (cities, districts), each county (city, district) has identified 5 pilot villages to carry out pilot demonstrations to promote the improvement of the quality of rural housing construction and management and service capabilities, and improve the production and living conditions of farmers.

The pilot villages should adopt appropriate new structural systems, environmentally friendly construction methods and building energy-saving technologies for the construction of rural houses in the pilot villages. The newly-built and renovated rural houses meet the requirements of seismic fortification and building energy-saving, and have local architectural characteristics. Before the end of September 2022, cities and Xiongan New District will guide relevant counties (cities, districts) to build a batch of livable demonstration rural houses with modern functions, local style, cost-effectiveness, safe structure, and green environmental protection to play a demonstrative role.

All localities should guide counties (cities, districts) to organize the compilation of local rural housing construction general atlas, construction structure large-scale drawings and other technical documents in accordance with local conditions, and provide free rural housing design schemes below the quota for the people who build houses. Vigorously apply green energy-saving technologies, and encourage places where conditions permit to adopt design standards for rural low-energy-consumption residential buildings and energy-saving standards for passive ultra-low-energy residential buildings. In the pilot demonstration construction of rural housing, new structural systems such as prefabricated concrete structures and light steel structures, as well as green and environmentally friendly construction methods, should be actively adopted. Strictly implement the "Technical Standards for Seismic Design, Appraisal and Reinforcement of Rural Buildings in High Intensity Areas" and relevant technical requirements for seismic fortification to ensure the quality and safety of rural housing construction and reduce building energy consumption. All localities should strengthen policy coordination, actively coordinate with relevant departments, combine the construction of beautiful local villages and the improvement of rural human settlements, actively seek relevant funds, and increase support for pilot demonstration work.

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