The structure of the largest "building blocks" residential project in Lingang, Shanghai City is topped


The builder hoisted the prefabricated structural parts.

On October 12, 2021, the structure of the first batch of Xinshangjinyuan, the main city of Lingang New City, was topped off. The project adopted a fully assembled construction technology. After all building components were poured in the factory, they were transported to the site for assembly.

The project was undertaken by Shanghai Construction Engineering Second Construction Group and is located in the main urban area of Lingang, with Moli Road in the east, Fangzhu Road in the south, Qiulian River in the west, and Shengang Avenue in the north.

Each prefabricated assembly structure has its own QR code.

It is understood that the expert team of the Engineering Research Institute responsible for the project adhered to high standards to complete technological innovation and demonstrated the first domestic sandwich insulation prefabricated enclosure system. The use of high-strength post-cast connection node system and advanced prefabricated building construction system eliminates the common quality problems of residential external wall leakage, avoids peeling off, insulation failure and other phenomena, and achieves long-term insulation.

The construction of the entire project has reached 100% prefabricated construction, and it is currently the largest residential building project under construction in the Lingang New Area.

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