The third phase of Yichang prefabricated construction vocational skills training started


On October 12, the third phase of Yichang prefabricated construction vocational skills training organized by Yichang Construction Industry Association officially started. The training aims to further accelerate the implementation of "Yichang Construction", promote the development of prefabricated buildings in Yichang, and continue to strengthen the construction and training of the prefabricated construction talent team.

He Wei, vice president of Yichang Construction Industry Association, introduced that two prefabricated vocational skills trainings have been held in Guangsheng Jianke and Taihe Group prefabricated manufacturing enterprises. More than 80 people have passed theoretical and practical training and achieved satisfactory results. The Construction Industry Association will continue to implement prefabricated training, training in all links from design, construction to construction, to build a new era of industrial workers, and provide a strong human resource foundation for the high-quality development of the construction industry.

As the assembly rate of construction projects in Yichang City has risen sharply, the construction of the talent team of the prefabricated construction industry is the basic support for the efficient development of prefabricated buildings in our city. According to the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for the Development of Prefabricated Buildings in Yichang City, by the end of 2021, the city’s prefabricated building area will account for more than 20% of the newly built building area. High-quality centralized demonstration projects will be created and a good development environment will be created.

Li Fan, head of the Yichang City Construction Market and Construction Engineering Quality and Safety Supervision Station, said that to achieve this goal, it is necessary to actively play the leading role of the industry and work together to promote the carbon peaking action in the construction field of Yichang City. Promote green building materials, promote green construction, build green buildings, achieve green development, and build "Yichang Construction".

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