Prefabricated building to create a model of Keqiao District for the construction of a "waste-free city"



Keqiao District of Shaoxing City is a strong traditional building area in Zhejiang Province, and it is also a demonstration area for promoting the modernization of the construction industry in Zhejiang Province. The proportion of prefabricated buildings is among the highest in the province. Since the "No Waste City" construction pilot project, the Keqiao District "No Waste City" Construction Leading Group has actively advocated and promoted prefabricated buildings, which fundamentally changed the "dirty, messy, and poor" situation of the construction site. It effectively reduces the generation of construction waste during the construction process, effectively curbs environmental pollution caused by building dust and noise, and effectively promotes the improvement of the urban ecological environment and the construction of ecological civilization. Starting from the construction of the institutional system, market system and technical system of prefabricated building construction, we will create a model of Keqiao for the construction of a "waste-free city".


Seize the opportunity to build a “waste-free city” and gradually establish an institutional system to promote the green development of the construction industry

According to research data, compared with traditional construction methods, prefabricated concrete construction projects can reduce construction waste by 70%, save wood by 60%, save cement mortar by 55%, and reduce water consumption by 25%. It can greatly reduce the generation of construction waste from the source, curb the occurrence of construction waste "siege" phenomenon, but also promote the birth of new industries and related service industries, and truly realize the high-quality development and green development of building modernization. To this end, Keqiao District attaches great importance to it, has held several special meetings to study the green development of the construction industry, formulates and implements supporting policies, and comprehensively promotes related work. The "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Modern Development of Green Buildings and Construction Industry" and the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Promotion of the Full Decoration of Residential Buildings in Keqiao District (Trial)" and other system plans have been issued successively. The focus is on the cultivation of construction industrialization enterprises, the implementation of prefabricated projects, and comprehensively accelerate the promotion and application of prefabricated steel structure building product technology in the field of rural housing construction.

Since the construction of the "No Waste City" pilot project, Keqiao District has further refined the relevant systems for prefabricated buildings. It took the lead in promulgating the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Modern Development of Green Buildings and Construction Industry" in the province, which provides a strong guarantee for the vigorous promotion and application of prefabricated houses in Keqiao. By the end of 2020, the construction area of prefabricated construction projects in the whole district accounted for 41.38% of the construction area of new projects in the district, which is more than 60% more energy-efficient than traditional buildings, which has greatly promoted the green development of the construction industry.

Seize the opportunity to build a "waste-free city" and gradually establish a market system to help upgrade industrial clusters


Keqiao District "No-Waste City" Construction Leading Group Office takes the lead to coordinate joint construction, comprehensive administrative law enforcement, market supervision and other departments to actively promote the green development of the construction industry. More and more Keqiao construction companies are entering prefabricated buildings. This year, another company introduced a prefabricated construction project with world-class technology from the Netherlands-the construction industrialized autoclaved aerated concrete (ALC) board production line, as a lightweight thermal insulation and energy-saving material. Compared with traditional building materials, ALC panels can save about 65% of energy consumption during use, and the carbon reduction effect is obvious.

At present, Keqiao District has 5 national prefabricated construction industrial bases and 12 provincial demonstration enterprises (bases), covering parts and components design, production, construction, decoration and other fields. It has gradually formed a full-industry chain industrial cluster led by leading enterprises and coordinated development of multiple industries, basically achieving intensive layout and scientific development. With the large-scale application of prefabricated construction projects, the rapid advancement of the transformation and upgrading of construction enterprises, the gradual growth of the industrial worker team, the dividends of the modern development of the construction industry will be gradually released.

Seize the opportunity of building a "waste-free city", gradually establish a technical system, and create a "Keqiao model" of prefabricated buildings


In order to better promote the modernization of the construction industry, Keqiao District has seized the opportunity of building a "waste-free city". Led by the Office of the Leading Group for the Construction of "Waste-free City" in Keqiao District, relying on the technical strength of the enterprise, accelerate the establishment and improvement of a standard system suitable for the modern development of the Keqiao construction industry, and encourage enterprises to actively participate in the preparation of various standards for prefabricated buildings and full decoration.

At present, national standards such as "Technical Standards for Prefabricated Concrete Buildings" and "Industrialized Building Evaluation Standards", which were compiled by construction enterprises in Keqiao District, have been issued and implemented. Shaoxing’s first prefabricated component group standard "Prefabricated Concrete Components Product Standard", which was compiled by Zhejiang Baoye Construction Group, a regional enterprise, has been implemented on July 1, 2020, providing a standard guarantee for the quality of prefabricated concrete components in prefabricated buildings. The "Theory, Technology and Engineering Application Project of High-Rise Steel-Concrete Hybrid Structure" completed by Zhejiang Jinggong Steel Structure Group, an enterprise in the area, won the first prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, which is the first time for Shaoxing to win this award. The steel structure prefabricated residential project in the Guandu No. 3 plot in Shaoxing City, which was built by the enterprise Zhejiang Lvzhu Integrated Technology Co., Ltd., was listed by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development as the first batch of steel structure prefabricated residential pilot projects in the country (only 2 projects in the country). It became the only pilot project selected in Zhejiang Province.

The construction of a "waste-free city" is a long-term and comprehensive work. In the next step, Keqiao District will continue to deepen the "no-waste" concept as required, create a "no-waste" atmosphere, and realize the long-term effect of "no-waste", and strive to make Keqiao District move from a "no-waste city" to a "no-waste society".

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