Hohhot, Inner Mongolia: all new buildings implement green building standards



The reporter learned from the Hohhot Municipal People's Government that in order to further strengthen building energy efficiency management and promote the high-quality development of green buildings, Hohhot City has recently issued the "Hohhot City Building Energy Efficiency and Green Building Development Implementation Plan." The main goal of the plan is to actively carry out the pilot work of passive ultra-low energy buildings. By 2025, the construction of urban green buildings, green ecological districts and green ecological communities will continue to advance, and the proportion of star-rated green buildings in new buildings will exceed 35%, the proportion of prefabricated building area is striving to reach 30%.

The plan proposes to comprehensively promote the development of green buildings, and all new buildings in the city implement green building standards. Among them, government office buildings, affordable housing, schools, hospitals, museums, science and technology museums, gymnasiums and other public welfare buildings, and large public buildings with a single building area of more than 20,000 square meters, residential districts with a construction area of more than 50,000 square meters, new urban areas, and civil buildings in green ecological districts all implement the green building standards of one-star and above (including one-star).

It is necessary to continue to promote the improvement of the energy efficiency of public buildings and promote the development of ultra-low energy consumption buildings and prefabricated buildings. Actively promote the full renovation of residential buildings, implement full renovation of new residential buildings within the city center, and implement full renovation of new green buildings that implement one-star, two-star, and three-star standards. It is necessary to strengthen the promotion and application of green building materials, and promote the large-scale application of renewable energy buildings such as solar energy and shallow geothermal energy. By 2025, 8 million square meters of energy-saving residential buildings will be renovated, and the energy efficiency of public buildings will continue to improve. The promotion area of green building materials will strive to reach 1.5 million square meters, the proportion of building thermal insulation structure integration projects will reach more than 30%, and the proportion of renewable energy used in civil buildings will reach 30%. Preliminary formation of building energy efficiency and high-quality development of green buildings, promote urban and rural construction onto a green, circular, and low-carbon scientific development track, and realize energy-saving and emission-reduction in the construction field.

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