"Concrete shear wall structure fabricated IRF system" demonstration project observation meeting was held in Sanya



In order to focus on technological innovation in the construction industry, explore the development direction and trend of the industry, and promote the high-quality development of prefabricated buildings in Hainan Province, on September 27, sponsored by the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hainan Province and undertaken by China Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd., the demonstration project of the "Concrete Shear Wall Structure Fabricated IRF System" demonstration project was held at the project site of the shantytown renovation (Phase II) in the watermelon and mango areas of Tianya District, Sanya City. Liu Lianwei, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, attended and delivered a speech.

The shantytown renovation (Phase II) project in the watermelon and mango areas is an important local people's livelihood project in Sanya, with a total construction area of about 250,000 square meters. It will build a kindergarten and a primary school for regional development and relocate more than 1,000 residents. It is a demonstration project of China Railway Construction to implement the prefabricated IRF system, and it is also the first project in Hainan to achieve full assembly and full cast-in-place vertical components.

Comrade Liu Lianwei said: As a new type of building industrialization technology, the concrete shear wall structure fabricated IRF system conforms to the characteristics of the climate and geographical environment of Hainan Province, and it also has the conditions for promotion and application. At present, our hall is soliciting opinions from three aspects for the revision of evaluation standards for prefabricated buildings. The first is to promote the use of new vertical components in the main structure; the second is to use horizontal components such as "no ribs" laminated floor slabs; the third is to promote assembly-based interior decoration. In accordance with the requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government and the need for the green development of the ecological civilization of the Hainan Free Trade Port, our province's determination to promote prefabricated buildings remains unchanged and unabated, and the requirements and standards will continue to increase. In the next step, a new evaluation standard for prefabricated buildings in Hainan Province will be launched as soon as possible. Measures should be taken to local conditions and scientifically guided to increase the assembly rate of prefabricated buildings in Hainan Province.

More than 70 people participated in the observation meeting, including heads of relevant business offices and units directly under the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, relevant heads of municipal and county housing and urban-rural construction departments, and relevant construction, design, production, and construction units.

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