The first domestic C-end prefabricated hardcover experience center Ji Liwu opened


On September 25th, at Xin'ao Shopping Center, Beitou, Ji Liwu Beijing Experience Center and Triwing Olympic Park store opened. This is the first domestically assembled hardcover scene experience center for C-end consumer users, opening a new field of home improvement, and providing users with whole-house assembly scene solutions and new models of home improvement services.

With the innovative application of aluminum honeycomb wall technology, Ji Liwu has accumulated ten years of experience in technology research and development and product implementation through the construction of a standardization system for prefabricated bottom-layer components based on the concept of "master design, precision manufacturing". It truly solves the pain points of the decoration service industry. It uses all-dry construction, replacing craftsmanship with craftsmanship, high-quality, fast, environmentally friendly and energy-saving, and on this basis, it realizes the standardization and large-scale operation of design, manufacturing, and delivery. Ji Liwu's prefabricated kitchen and bathroom solutions have truly achieved zero leakage and true environmental protection. The main material and waterproof system have a 15-year warranty, which can achieve "9 days for decoration and 10 days for occupancy".

Ai Bailu, president of the Beijing Property Management Association, said in his speech that a major pain point of property service companies is the management of the owner's second decoration. Traditional decoration has a long construction period, which increases the difficulty of managing the decoration personnel, materials and waste, noise generated during construction, and owners’ complaints. Ji Liwu's prefabricated hardcover solution solves these problems, which is beneficial to owners and enterprises. It is bound to become a new choice for home improvement owners and an important partner of property management companies.

Xiong Zang, chairman of the Prefabricated Building and Green Development Branch of the China Building Materials Industry Economic Research Association, said that prefabricated decoration conforms to the national environmental protection and energy conservation policy guidelines. Under the influence of the concept of carbon peaking, carbon neutrality, energy saving, emission reduction and environmental protection, it is a development direction strongly supported by the state. Ji Liwu has seized the current policy opportunities and has broad market prospects. Ji Liwu faces the trillion-level home improvement market practice, and replaces the traditional home improvement model with industrialized delivery by directly serving many C-end consumers. In terms of product system personalization, user experience, sense of acquisition, etc., the existing technology system and product iterative upgrades will be reversed, and industry innovation and green development will be promoted.

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QQ customer service: 1575099316

Wechat customer service: 13327892019



Changzhou Creative Industry Park e727-728

Working hours

24 Hours, Monday - Friday