Zheshang Insurance's first "insurance + service" green building performance insurance was launched



In the early morning of September 8, the first "insurance + service" green building performance insurance in the Zhejiang Merchants Insurance System under the new green building evaluation standards and Nantianhu New Area officially took effect in the Zhenghuang·Hejinfu project in the South Taihu New Area, and the project insured amount reached 12 million yuan. This is another major breakthrough for Huzhou as a pilot city for the coordinated development of green buildings and green finance in the country, and a new step towards achieving the goal of "carbon peak and carbon neutrality".

Project renderings

What is green building? The hourly news reporter learned that green buildings themselves often have the characteristics of energy saving and consumption reduction and returning to nature. For example, the building itself makes full use of solar energy, adopts energy-saving building envelope and heating and air conditioning, reduces the use of heating and air conditioning, and saves water in greening. In addition, an air-cooling system will be set up according to the principle of natural ventilation, so that the building can effectively use the dominant wind direction in summer. The building adopts a plan form and overall layout that adapts to local climate conditions.

In the selection of materials, green buildings should try to use natural materials. The wood, bark, bamboo, stones, lime, paint, etc. used in the construction must be inspected and processed to ensure that it is harmless to the human body.

As the global climate warms, countries around the world are paying more and more attention to building energy efficiency. People are increasingly aware that the CO2 generated by the use of energy in buildings is the main source of climate warming. Energy-saving buildings have become an inevitable trend in building development, and green buildings have also emerged.

It is reported that the Huzhou Branch of Zheshang Insurance is actively playing the insurance risk protection function, combining the innovative research and development advantages of the "Zheshang Insurance Yangtze River Delta Green Insurance Innovation Laboratory", and using commercial insurance mechanisms. Provide a full range of guarantees for pre-event credit enhancement, mid-event risk control services, and post-event loss compensation for star-rated green construction projects, create an environment conducive to the development of green buildings, and enable green buildings to move from green design to green operation. In order to ensure "one green to the end", in the insurance period service process, the Huzhou Branch will also introduce the professional power of a third-party green building consulting and evaluation agency. Intervene in the various processes of project design, construction, and operation throughout the entire cycle, and continue to deepen "insurance + service".

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