Guangdong Province Prefabricated Construction Integrated Engineering Technology Research Center was inaugurated and established


On the morning of September 7, the opening ceremony of the Guangdong Provincial Prefabricated Prefabricated Construction Integrated Engineering Technology Research Center was held at the headquarters of Xiangshun Group in Xinxing County. Li Changhong, deputy director of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, attended the event and delivered a speech.

In recent years, the Yunfu Municipal Science and Technology Bureau has conscientiously implemented the deployment of the municipal party committee and the municipal government on scientific and technological innovation, implemented the innovation-driven development strategy, formulated and issued supporting policies, and accelerated the construction of a scientific and technological innovation platform focusing on engineering technology research centers. Effectively stimulate the vitality of innovation subjects, and provide strong scientific and technological support for improving independent innovation capabilities and key core technology research capabilities. Up to now, Yunfu City has built 1 national engineering technology research center, 38 provincial level and 63 municipal level.

Li Changhong said that the Guangdong Provincial Prefabricated Prefabricated Construction Integrated Engineering Technology Research Center is the first provincial-level scientific and technological innovation platform established in the field of engineering construction in Yunfu City. Its establishment is of great significance to the implementation of the national, provincial, and municipal new concepts on energy conservation, emission reduction, and green development. It is pointed out that the innovation platform construction model of the center with leading enterprises in the industry as the main body, introducing high-end scientific and technological innovation resources from universities, and jointly building is worthy of recognition and promotion. It is emphasized that enterprises should continue to cultivate new development concepts, continue to increase investment in independent research and development, condense research directions, and accelerate the construction of a technological innovation system with enterprises as the main body, market-oriented, and in-depth integration of production, education and research. Create a high-level R&D and innovation platform, and make greater contributions to supporting and leading the high-quality development of the green construction industry.

Subsequently, Li Changhong and his entourage investigated the construction of the Guangdong Provincial Prefabricated Construction Integrated Engineering Technology Research Center.

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