43 old communities have been renovated! Renovation of old communities in Panyu District, Guangzhou City has achieved remarkable results



The transformation of old communities is an important livelihood project that affects the vital interests of thousands of households. Based on the urban renewal work, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, closely follows the needs of the people and actively organizes a new round of transformation of old communities.


Reconstruction work is effective

Following the concept of “micro-reconstruction of communities, leveraging big benefits”, Panyu District Urban Renewal Bureau, local towns (streets), neighborhood committees, and community residents jointly explored and actively promoted the transformation of old communities. Of the 44 old community renovation projects planned to be implemented at this stage, 43 projects have been completed and 1 project is under construction.


In recent years, Panyu District has adhered to the principles of people-oriented, reasonable protection and utilization of history and culture, and livable and suitable for travel, and has carried out overall upgrading and reconstruction of the building facades, public roads, drainage and sewage pipe networks, and community greening in old communities. The scenes of "dirty and messy" such as peeling of external walls, potholes in the community roads, "flooded streets" on rainy days, and stinky water flowing across drainage channels are gone forever. The living environment of the community has been completely renewed, which has been widely recognized by the residents and has achieved significant social benefits.

According to statistics, the district has completed painting nearly 170,000 square meters of corridors, nearly 210,000 meters of "third-line" renovations, and implementing nearly 24,000 meters of rain and sewage pipe network reconstruction. The completed projects have benefited about 13,000 families.

Party building leads to "build the stage" and residents all come to "response"

Due to historical reasons, there is generally no professional property management in old communities, resulting in a lack of cohesion and sense of belonging among residents.

Panyu District Urban Renewal Bureau actively played a leading role in party building, fully mobilized the enthusiasm of residents, and jointly participated in the transformation of old communities.

For example, in the reconstruction of the Ruiheyuan community, the party branch of the Shiqiao Street Urban Construction Service Center and the Ruiheyuan Community Party Committee of the “1+1+1” co-construction unit jointly listened to the opinions of the residents. Carefully deploy and implement all-round supervision and management of the program design, construction, etc., give full play to the role of grassroots party organizations, and build a community governance model of co-construction, co-governance, and sharing. In the reconstruction of the Fujingyuan Community in Qiaonan Street, the relevant units of the Joint Party Building Conference on Qiaonan Street were organized to carry out an on-site briefing session on the reconstruction plan, and proactively carried out a policy announcement on the renovation of the old community to the residents, and solicited opinions and suggestions from the residents. They also answer hot issues on the spot, incorporate the most urgent issues that residents need to solve into the transformation content, and let residents become the "helms" of the transformation of the community. The residents have the final say on "how to change" and "what to change".


Reconstruction work set sail again, meticulously plan to benefit people's livelihood

2021 is the final year of Guangzhou's first action plan for the transformation of old communities, and it is also the first year of the start of a new round of transformation of old communities. Panyu District does not leave "dead corners" in all aspects to conduct a survey of the base of old communities within its jurisdiction, and compile a plan for the reconstruction of old communities during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period in line with the actual situation of Panyu District. Efforts will be made to consolidate the foundation for a new round of old community renovation work, rolling implementation of old community renovation projects year by year, and strive to basically complete the renewal and renovation tasks by the end of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and truly realize the use of "embroidery kungfu" to bring new vitality to the old city.

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