Inner Mongolia Housing and Urban-rural Development Department held the "14th Five-Year" building energy conservation and green building special planning opening meeting


On the morning of September 14, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of the Autonomous Region held the opening meeting of the Special Plan for Building Energy Conservation and Green Building Development in the 14th Five-Year Plan of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and the Special Plan for Industrialization of New Buildings in the 14th Five-Year Plan of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Deputy Director Jie Xinmin attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Dai Junrui, Director of the Standard Rating and Energy Conservation Technology Division presided over the meeting, and related personnel from relevant departments, directly affiliated units and establishment units attended the meeting.

The meeting heard the opening reports of the China Building Energy Conservation Association and China Urban Construction Research Institute Co., Ltd. on the two plans. Participants expressed their opinions and suggestions on the preparation of the two plans.

Jie Xinmin requested that the preparation of the two plans is the refinement of the "14th Five-Year Plan" for the housing and construction industry in the autonomous region. The preparation of the plan must be integrated with national policies, measures, and relevant plans of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, as well as the current frontiers of science and technology, and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions to the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. In accordance with the strategic positioning and action plan tailored by General Secretary Xi Jinping for Inner Mongolia, we will unswervingly follow the new path of high-quality development with ecological priority and green development as the guide, and accelerate the construction of "two barriers", "two bases" and "a bridgehead."

Jie Xinmin emphasized that the preparation of the plan should be oriented towards social needs, oriented towards green health, low carbon and energy saving, and oriented towards the high-quality development of housing and urban and rural construction. Focus on compiling the content of key tasks and implementation measures, taking into account the special climate, topography, and resource issues in Inner Mongolia, carrying out necessary special studies according to local conditions, and completing the compilation work as required with quality and quantity.

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