Fujian Province: Quanzhou City's Green Buildings Show Achievement, Six Projects Obtained Star Certification



Recently, the reporter learned from the Quanzhou Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau that from January to August 2021, 187 green building projects were completed in Quanzhou throughout the year, with a construction area of 10.241 million square meters. Among them, urban green buildings accounted for 91.76% of new civil buildings, exceeding 75% of the target of the Fujian Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development; the percentage of completed green buildings increased year by year from 8.6% in 2016, with remarkable results. At the same time, a total of 6 resettlement housing projects in the city have obtained star-level green building operation logo certification, with a construction area of 495,100 square meters. The green building creation action has achieved remarkable results.

This year, in order to accelerate the pace of green building construction, Quanzhou Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau has continued to implement the requirements of the "Notice of the Fujian Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and other 7 departments on the issuance of the "Fujian Province Green Building Action Plan"(Hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"). Establish rules and regulations, and implement them vigorously.

First, continue to implement the Quanzhou Green Building Construction Action Implementation Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan") that was jointly formulated with 7 departments in the city last year, and strictly follow the requirements of the "Action Plan" and the "Implementation Plan", and carefully organize the implementation. 

Second, strengthen the preliminary supervision of engineering projects. Pay attention to strengthening the pre-supervision of the design and drawing review of project construction, timely follow up and supervise the dynamic implementation of green building standards, and guide and supervise design units and construction drawing review agencies to strictly implement green building codes and standards. At the same time, increase the intensity of industry law enforcement inspections. Adhere to the “double random and one open” approach, carry out no less than two comprehensive law enforcement inspections of construction projects throughout the city each year, and put forward rectification opinions on problems existing in the project.

In terms of continuing to promote the role of demonstration, the bureau uses high-star demonstrations to drive the normal management of low-stars to ensure that all citizens' buildings fully implement the green building standards. It is understood that more than 40 projects in Quanzhou have been awarded the star-level green building design and operation marks over the years. Among them, the Jinjiang Fengzhu Textile (600493) Andong New Factory Project is committed to building the first three-star green industrial building in the domestic textile industry with the core concept of "four sections and one environmental protection". It and the Bank of Xiamen (601187) Quanzhou Branch Building Project, and the Jinjiang Hospital Relocation Project (Phase I) obtained the two-star green building design identification certificate and other work results have been affirmed by the higher authorities.

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