Hainan Lingao Jinpai Port Development Zone Tuhui Prefabricated Building Industrial Park project completed and put into production



Recently, the Tuhui Prefabricated Construction Industrial Park project in Lingao Jinpai Port Development Zone was completed and put into production.

On August 26, the reporter saw in the production workshop of No. 1 factory building in the prefabricated building industrial park on the way, workers were installing the moulded steel bars and stacking the formed laminated slabs.

Cao Zhiyong, general manager of China Railway Construction Group Development Company Hainan Branch, introduced that the laminated panels produced by the company mainly supply the Boao Research Hospital project (Phase I). The demand for laminated panels of the project is about 800 cubic meters and the demand for floor slabs is about 400 cubic meters. The company plans to ship all relevant products to the Boao Research Hospital Project (Phase I) construction site on September 20.

After the relevant provincial departments included the Lingao Jinpai Port Development Zone under the unified management of the Yangpu Economic Development Zone, in May this year, the Yangpu Working Committee and the Management Committee sent the Lingao Jinpai Port Park Administration Preparatory Team to the Lingao Jinpai Port Development Zone. Speed up the construction progress of the Jinpai Port Development Zone project to help the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port,

It is understood that this year the Hainan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government decided to build Lingao Jinpai Port into a specialized park focusing on prefabricated buildings, green buildings, and building energy conservation. As the first prefabricated building production project in Lingao Jinpai Port Development Zone, Tuhui Prefabricated Building Industrial Park is a prefabricated building demonstration production base assessed by the Hainan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. With the support of the preparatory group of the Lingao Jinpai Port Park Administration Bureau, currently three prefabricated construction manufacturing enterprises located in the Tuhui Prefabricated Construction Industrial Park have begun to produce laminates, stair slabs and other products.

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