Zhejiang Province: The first green building performance insurance in South Taihu New District of Huzhou City



On September 9, the first green building performance insurance in the South Taihu New District underwritten by the Huzhou Branch of Zhejiang Merchants Insurance took effect on the Zhenghuang·Hejinfu Project. "This is another important measure for the new district to promote the coordination of green finance and green buildings, and to speed up the development of green buildings." The New District Finance Office said.

The "Insurance + Service" project of green building performance insurance aims to use commercial insurance mechanisms to actively play the role of financial subsidies and premium leverage through government guidance. Provide a full range of guarantees for star-level green construction projects including credit enhancement before the event, risk control services during the event, and compensation for losses after the event, so as to ensure that green buildings move from green design to green operation.

According to reports, Zheshang Insurance Huzhou Central Branch will use the "Zheshang Insurance Yangtze River Delta Green Insurance Innovation Laboratory" established in the new district last year to introduce the professional power of third-party green building consulting and evaluation agencies. Intervene in the whole cycle of project design, construction, and operation process, continue to deepen the "insurance + service", and strive to fit the Huzhou green finance reform pilot construction and the coordinated development of green finance and green buildings.

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