Hubei Province: Building a house like a car, Jiangcheng prefabricated construction started 143 this year


Building houses like cars, prefabricated buildings are becoming the future development direction of the construction industry. It is reported today that there are currently 265 prefabricated construction projects in Wuhan, and 143 projects have been started this year. There are 19 prefabricated construction industrial bases in Wuhan. The annual production capacity can meet the construction needs of the city.

On September 7, the launching ceremony of the Wuchang District Construction Project Quality Month and the prefabricated building construction process and technology on-site observation meeting were held at the Longhu·Tianxi Project. Xiao Meng, director of the Wuhan Building Energy Conservation Office who attended the observation meeting, introduced that since 2015, Wuhan has identified 73 prefabricated building pilot demonstration projects with a construction area of 8,652,400 square meters. Last year, Wuhan was rated as a national prefabricated building model city by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, pushing the city’s prefabricated building development to a new level. There are currently 265 prefabricated construction projects. 143 projects have been started this year, with a construction area of 788.27 square meters. There are 19 prefabricated construction industrial bases in Wuhan, and the annual production capacity can meet the construction needs of the city.

Prefabricated buildings have the characteristics of standardized design, factory production, assembly construction, integrated decoration, information management, and intelligent applications. They are the representative of modern industrial production. Taking the Longhu·Cullinan project as an example, most of the building components such as walls and stairs are uniformly produced in the factory and then transported to the construction site to be assembled to achieve "building a house like a car." Compared with traditional buildings, standardization and modularization are emphasized in design, processing, installation, and decoration. The efficiency is higher, the construction period is short, and the dependence on labor is reduced.

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