Chuzhou City, Anhui Province regards prefabricated buildings as an essential part of land transfer for real estate development projects


From January to June, Chuzhou City completed a total construction industry output value of 25.27 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 26.8%. The total volume and growth rate ranked fifth and fourth in the province respectively.

Qualification upgrade "strengthened". The implementation of the construction industry's three-year promotion action, and focus on cultivating the backbone and leading enterprises of the local construction industry. From January to June, the city added 9 first-class construction general contracting enterprises, an increase of 800% year-on-year, and the total number reached 34. Comprehensively deepen the reform of decentralization, management and service in the construction sector, and delegate 63 administrative approval powers including three-level qualification approval. From January to June, a total of 856 three-level qualifications were approved, with a growth rate of 199.3%.

Transformation and upgrade "accumulate power." Use prefabricated buildings as an essential part of land transfer for real estate development projects. From January to June, a total of 9 plots of 1,019 acres of prefabricated building planning conditions were sold; the prefabricated building area was 1.755 million square meters, accounting for 20.6% of the total urban completed civil building area. Actively strive to create the first batch of provincial-level prefabricated construction demonstration cities and industrial parks. Currently, it has 2 provincial-level and above prefabricated industrial bases and 1 provincial-level modern construction industry demonstration base.

The quality upgrade is "awesome". Carry out in-depth construction project quality improvement actions, strictly control the four points of supervision and inspection, completion acceptance, quality traceability, and quality improvement. At the same time, enterprises are encouraged to strengthen project quality management and strive to create high-quality construction projects. From January to June, a total of 10 provincial high-quality projects "Huangshan Cup" were declared; one project won the provincial evaluation of "China Installation Star", the highest award of China's installation engineering quality.

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