Green buildings in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province reduced carbon emissions by nearly 2.8 million tons in 5 years


The reporter learned from the Nanjing Green Building and Green Building Materials Development Center that during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, Nanjing has added 97.46 million square meters of energy-saving building area, of which 87.79 million square meters of green buildings, with an average annual high-star rate of 30%. The total amount of new green building energy saving in 5 years is about 1.15 million tons of standard coal, which is equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by nearly 2.8 million tons.

Among the newly added green buildings, in addition to new construction, Nanjing, as a national “key city for improving the energy efficiency of public buildings”, continues to carry out energy-saving renovations to existing public buildings. From 2018 to 2020, the city has completed a total of 2.81 million square meters of energy-saving renovation, with an average energy-saving rate of over 15%. After the Gulou Hospital carried out energy-saving renovations on Buildings 1-5 and the South Extension Building in the hospital, the solar hot water system produced approximately 120 tons of hot water per day for bathing, saving 700,000 yuan in fuel costs throughout the year. The ice-storage air-conditioning system produces ice and stores cold at night when electricity is low, and during the day to melt ice for cold storage, it can save 2 million yuan in air-conditioning costs throughout the year, and the overall energy-saving rate after the transformation reaches 17.65%.

Nanjing is also the country's first batch of demonstration cities for the application of renewable energy. So far, it has completed a total of 32.89 million square meters of application area, most of which are solar thermal system buildings, and there are 1.96 million square meters of ground source heat pump buildings.

According to a person from the Green Building Center, during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Nanjing's newly-built civil buildings will fully implement the new version of the green building design standards, and continue to maintain 100% of the newly-built civil buildings to meet the green building one-star or above standard. Starting this year, new residential buildings will also be constructed in accordance with the 75% energy-saving design standard of Jiangsu Province. In the future, residential buildings in Nanjing will be greener, healthy, comfortable and safer.

It is reported that after the Jiangbei Talent Apartment and other demonstration buildings, in the next 5 years, Nanjing will build a batch of ultra-low energy consumption residential building demonstration projects to make full use of renewable energy, form a model that can be promoted, and create a new benchmark for carbon-neutral green buildings.

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