The total area of green buildings in Guangdong Province during the 13th Five-Year Plan period exceeds 500 million square meters


According to the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Guangdong Province, during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the total area of green buildings in Guangdong exceeded 500 million square meters. The "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for Green Building Development in Guangdong Province" will soon be completed and issued.

Guangdong has accelerated the development of green buildings in recent years, and the "Guangdong Province Green Building Regulations" was formally implemented at the beginning of this year. In addition to the "Guangdong Province Green Building Action Implementation Plan", "Guangdong Province's "13th Five-Year" Building Energy Conservation and Green Building Development Plan", and "Guangdong Province Green Building Evaluation Label Management Measures" issued in recent years, a relatively complete system of green building policies, regulations and standards has been formed.

At the same time, Guangdong has delegated the authority of green building evaluation management, implemented provincial and municipal level management, cancelled design marks, carried out quality evaluation of green building evaluation marks, and implemented a model of combining government procurement services with third-party evaluation.

During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the total area of green buildings in Guangdong exceeded 500 million square meters. The proportion of urban green buildings in new buildings is increasing year by year, reaching 63% in 2020, exceeding the target of 60% during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. New civil buildings in Shenzhen, Zhuhai and other places are fully constructed in accordance with green buildings.

At the same time, the province's building energy conservation level has continued to improve. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, 100% of the new civil buildings in Guangdong implemented the mandatory energy-saving standards, and the building energy efficiency was 20% higher than that during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period. The province’s urban area of newly built buildings has an energy-saving area of 734 million square meters, and the cumulative energy-saving capacity of 6.62 million tons of standard coal has been formed.

In addition, continue to promote the energy-saving renovation of existing residential buildings, and promote the energy-saving and green micro-renovation of old communities. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the province completed the energy-saving renovation of existing buildings with an area of 18.73 million square meters. As an important way of building energy saving, prefabricated buildings have also been developed by leaps and bounds. In 2020, 56.9792 million square meters of prefabricated buildings were newly started in the province that year, accounting for 15.01% of the newly started prefabricated buildings in cities and towns that year.

The "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for Green Building Development in Guangdong Province" and other new policies and technical specifications are drawing to a close and will be promulgated soon. At present, it has also carried out research on the road to peak carbon emissions in the construction sector in Guangdong Province, and organized various cities to carry out statistics on carbon emissions in the construction sector to preliminarily determine the scope of carbon emissions in the construction sector.

At present, more and more green buildings have been built in Guangdong. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, there were 1,391 green building evaluation and labeling projects with two stars and above, covering an area of 115 million square meters. A number of national green building innovation award projects have been completed, such as the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Operation Center and Guangzhou Development Center Building. At the same time, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan, Zhuhai and other places have built high-star green building development clusters.

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