Shanxi Province develops new kinetic energy: "green" buildings to build a low-carbon life


On April 30 this year, the Shanxi Provincial Government’s "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for New Equipment in Shanxi Province" put forward new development goals: By 2025, Shanxi's equipment manufacturing industry will achieve an operating income of 450 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 12%, a significant increase in industrial agglomeration, a substantial increase in the scale and efficiency of new equipment, and further strengthening of innovation capabilities, making it an important pillar of a modern equipment manufacturing powerhouse.

For many years, Shanxi, which has overly relied on the energy industry, has faced urgent and arduous challenges in economic upgrading and transformation and low-carbon development. Taking the conversion of new and old kinetic energy as traction, actively introducing and cultivating high-end equipment, and seeking new industrial growth in green new equipment manufacturing, the adjustment of its industrial structure has guided the direction. Taking advantage of the trend to promote transformation and developing new green equipment is the key foundation for the implementation of the "six new", and it is also an important support for taking the lead on new roads and promoting the high-quality transformation and development of Shanxi Province.

"Green" buildings to build a low-carbon life

In the instructions of CNC machine tools, steel bars and steel plates are transformed into floor decks, steel beams, steel columns, U-shaped pipe fittings and other building components. Walking into the intelligent manufacturing workshop in the modern Xiaohe Park of Shanxi's construction industry, the manufacturing speed of prefabricated buildings is amazing. After a while, a steel structure pedestrian bridge will take shape.

Different from traditional construction methods, prefabricated buildings have obvious advantages in reducing carbon emissions, saving energy and materials, shortening construction periods, and improving building quality. Lai Zhongyi, chief engineer of Shanxi Provincial Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., said that the production process of prefabricated buildings is precisely controlled to eliminate the waste of materials; the assembly process is clean and environmentally friendly, and construction waste is reduced. Its components can also be reused to achieve resource regeneration.

With fast construction speed and high social benefits, prefabricated buildings have become an important direction for the transformation and upgrading of Shanxi's construction industry. In recent years, in order to develop smart construction and build a low-carbon city, Shanxi has promoted the standardized development of prefabricated buildings, and introduced measures such as the "Guidelines for the Design of Prefabricated Buildings in Shanxi Province" and "Management Measures for Prefabricated Building Industrial Bases." Continue to promote the implementation of prefabricated construction projects and promote the construction of prefabricated construction industrial bases.

Make up for shortcomings, deep integration. The prefabricated technical standard system is gradually improved, the research and development results are continuously transformed, the industrial chain is continuously extended, and the backbone enterprises and talents continue to grow. 18 provincial-level prefabricated construction industrial bases were put into production, basically realizing full coverage of a 100-kilometer transportation radius, and the entire industrial chain and the entire process integration. From high-rise buildings to rural fields, from municipal facilities to daily life, it is a broad stage for the application of prefabricated products.

Cheng Junhu, director of the Park Operation Management Department of Shanxi Construction Investment Group, introduced that the group's products cover construction, municipal administration, highways, railways, power and other fields. Among them, PC components, PS components, aerated concrete products, high-precision aluminum formwork, high-efficiency energy-saving doors and windows, and prefabricated decoration parts have been widely used in the construction of prefabricated high-rise residential buildings, office buildings, industrial plants, and beautiful villages in Shanxi Province. The "assembly + digital intelligence" model has also become a new economic growth point for enterprise development.

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