Weifang City Housing and Construction Bureau organizes special supervision activities for prefabricated construction work



In order to accelerate the prefabricated construction work in Weifang City, from August 17th to 27th, according to the "Notice of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau on Carrying out Special Inspections on the Real Estate Market Order", the Weifang Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau organized a special supervision working group to conduct special supervision of the city's prefabricated construction work.


The focus of this supervision work is the implementation of the "Notice of the Weifang Municipal People's Government Office on Vigorously Developing the Implementation Plan for Prefabricated Buildings" and "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Prefabricated Buildings" and other relevant documents. The second is the establishment of the prefabricated construction work account and the dynamic management of the project. The third is the implementation of construction indicators for prefabricated construction projects.


The supervision team had in-depth discussions and exchanges with relevant personnel of various counties and cities on the focus of prefabricated construction work by listening to reports, checking materials, and watching the scene. Checked the prefabricated building work account, project construction drawings, pre-evaluation form of prefabricated building and other archival materials in detail. At the construction site, learn more about the application of parts and components of the project, prefabricated construction technology, and project incremental cost. Targeted guidance was put forward for areas that need to be improved and perfected in the work, and supervision orders were issued to counties and districts where work has been slower, and existing problems were required to be rectified within a time limit to ensure that all work was carried out in a standardized and orderly manner.



In the next step, the Weifang City Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau will adopt the methods of "double random, one open", "Internet + supervision" and other methods to continue to increase the supervision and assessment of prefabricated construction work in all counties, urban areas. If the relevant mandatory promotion policies are not strictly implemented, the annual mission plan is not completed, or the relevant pilot demonstration implementation management is not in place, points will be deducted from the municipal government's assessment of the responsibility for the total energy consumption and intensity dual control targets of the county, urban, and municipal governments. Failure to implement or arbitrarily change the prefabricated building design and construction measures, the prefabricated building area, single assembly rate, etc. do not meet the requirements. According to the main responsibility of the market, the bad integrity records of real estate development and construction, design, drawing review, construction, supervision and other enterprises are classified and made public.

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