Tianjin Xiqing District builds educational highland, green prefabricated steel structure school put into use in September



天津西青区打造教育高地 绿色装配式钢结构学校9月投用

Li Qing, secretary of the Xiqing District Committee of Tianjin City, recently went to a number of new schools in Xiqing District to investigate and study the education work, coordinate and solve the problems encountered in the construction of the school on the spot, and promote the construction of the project efficiently. Accelerate the high-quality and balanced development of education in the entire district, create an educational plateau, and build a new batch of prestigious schools.

Among them, the Weiming School in Xiqing District, Tianjin has a total construction area of 62,986 square meters, which can meet the teaching requirements of 3,420 students in 72 classes. The newly-built school has better hardware facilities, more specialized teachers, and meticulous completion of the project to create a high-quality hardware and software environment. After the completion of Wangwenzhuang Middle School, it can meet the teaching and use requirements of 48 classes and 2,400 students. The internal and external environment of the campus is optimized, and it is coordinated with the surrounding environment and road buildings, highlighting the campus's academic characteristics and cultural atmosphere. Saida Jinheng Experimental Primary School has deployed newly hired teachers. The school is a benefit-benefiting project that will give full play to the advantages of group-based schooling and maximize the benefits of educational resources. In addition, the Ninety Five Middle School Yizhong School and Tianjin Yizhong Xiqing School are also accelerating and improving their construction. Li Qing said that the new school is a major measure to relieve the pressure of schooling in urban areas and meet the people's demand for high-quality educational resources. It must be guided by the needs of teachers and students, strictly control safety, and promote the construction of high-quality schools.

In addition, the Jingwu Middle School of Xiqing District has 48 classes designed to accommodate 2,400 students. At present, the project has completed the joint inspection and acceptance and the education and teaching equipment is stationed, and it is ready to be relocated, and it will be put into use this month. Huacheng Middle School employs senior and special retired teachers from municipal schools and key schools to form a team of famous teachers and experts. Actively cultivate young teachers in the form of old and new, build a team of high-quality professional teachers, and comprehensively improve the quality and level of education and teaching. The middle school is designed to have 30 classes, which can accommodate 1,200-1300 students. At present, junior high schools and high schools have recruited 5 classes with more than 120 students. The school has now completed the joint acceptance and the entry of teaching equipment, and the school will officially start this month.

The relocation project of Dangcheng Middle School in Xinkou Town, Xiqing District has been completed and will be put into use this month. The Dangcheng Middle School building is positioned as a senior middle school, and the project can satisfy 48 classes of teaching and accommodate 2,400 students. As the city's first green prefabricated steel structure school, the overall prefabricated construction is adopted, the construction process is environmentally friendly and pollution-free, and the construction efficiency is high. The project also fully incorporates the green environmental protection concepts such as solar energy, recessed green spaces, and environmental rainwater inlets, and adopts energy-saving and environmentally-friendly materials and technologies to meet the design standards of three-star green buildings.

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