More than 6.3 million square meters of green buildings have been completed in Jinjiang, Fujian Province


The 14th Party Congress of Jinjiang City put forward the "One Three Seven" development pattern, and it is clearly necessary to accelerate the green transformation and promote green and low-carbon development in the fields of construction, transportation, and agriculture. Last week was Energy Conservation Promotion Week. On September 1, the reporter learned from the Jinjiang Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau that as of now, Jinjiang has completed more than 6.3 million square meters of green building area, initiated 44 prefabricated projects, and built prefabricated building area of more than 1.2 million square meters.

"Promoting green building construction is an inevitable requirement for implementing new development concepts and promoting high-quality development. It is an important part of advancing the construction of a new type of urbanization and coordinating the development of urban and rural integration. It is an important measure to make up for the shortcomings of urban and rural construction and meet the people's growing needs for a better life. " The relevant person in charge of Jinjiang Housing and Construction Bureau stated that since 2015, Jinjiang Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau promotes four types of newly established government-invested public welfare projects, large-scale public buildings of more than 20,000 square meters, residential communities of more than 100,000 square meters, and financially invested affordable housing to fully implement green building standards. On this basis, since 2018, the scope of green building implementation has been further expanded, requiring new civil buildings to fully implement green building standards, including government-invested or government-invested public buildings to implement two-star green building design requirements.

In addition, Jinjiang City Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau is also vigorously developing prefabricated buildings, incorporating prefabricated construction requirements into the land transfer contract and planning and design conditions of the construction project. The city’s newly transferred construction land and commercial residential projects with a total construction area of more than 20,000 square meters have set the prefabricated building area to reach more than 20% of the total construction area of the commercial residential project. All newly built prefabricated buildings meet the green building standards, and construction waste is reduced by more than 20% during the construction process.

In the next stage, the Jinjiang Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau will continue to increase the promotion of green buildings, further increase the proportion of green buildings, and ensure the green and sustainable development of the construction industry.

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