Nearly 2.86 million square meters of green buildings were added in Wuhu City, Anhui Province from January to July


The Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Wuhu City, Anhui Province recently revealed that since the beginning of this year, Wuhu City has actively implemented the concept of green development, promoted green and low-carbon development, and achieved results.

Promote the large-scale development of green buildings. Wuhu City adheres to the concept of green and low-carbon construction, and is driven by pilot demonstrations to increase the publicity of green buildings and green ecological urban areas, and vigorously promote the application of green building technologies in construction projects. Newly built civil buildings use at least one kind of renewable energy and fully implement green building standards, and actively promote the evaluation, certification, and application of green building materials. From January to July, the completed area of civil buildings was 2.975 million square meters. Among them, the area of green buildings was 2,589,400 square meters, accounting for 96.11%, exceeding the goal of not less than 65% of the completed area required by the provincial and municipal governments.

Vigorously develop prefabricated buildings. Wuhu City issued the "Implementation Opinions of the People's Government of Wuhu on Promoting the Development of the Prefabricated Building Industry", the "Detailed Rules for the Calculation of the Single Prefabricated Assembly Rate of Prefabricated Buildings in Wuhu", and the Notice on the Work of Rewarding the Floor Area Ratio of Prefabricated Buildings in Wuhu. Continuously improve the supporting policies for prefabricated buildings, and accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry. The Wuhu Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Bureau issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Quality Management of Prefabricated Concrete Structure Projects", which clearly stipulates the quality responsibilities and obligations of all parties involved in prefabricated construction and the production units of prefabricated components. Taking the land as the starting point, the prefabricated building construction plan is included in the land transfer conditions. From January to July, the total construction area of houses completed in the city was 4.007 million square meters. Among them, the completed area of prefabricated buildings was 791.1 thousand square meters, accounting for 19.74%, reaching the annual target of not less than 18% set by the provincial and municipal governments.

Strengthen the supervision of building energy conservation. Wuhu City insists on compulsory construction of new buildings and renovation of existing buildings, strengthens daily supervision of building energy-saving work of projects under construction, and ensures strict implementation of mandatory building energy-saving standards in design and construction. Currently, the implementation rate of energy-saving design and construction of new buildings is 100%. The energy-saving renovation of existing buildings focuses on the renovation of old communities and the improvement of the environment. From January to July this year, the energy-saving renovation of existing residential buildings of 126.2 thousand square meters and the energy-saving renovation of existing public buildings of 35,500 square meters were completed. At the same time, actively use the information platform to carry out energy consumption statistics and analysis, and gradually implement the contract energy management model to participate in the energy consumption supervision work.

Promote the application of renewable energy in buildings. Wuhu City takes the promotion and application of the integrated application of solar energy, light and heat as the focus of its work, and vigorously promotes the application of solar energy and ground source heat pump technology in construction projects. During the establishment of the second batch of pilot cities for the application of renewable energy in the country, a total of 45 demonstration projects were built in the city, with an area of 8.74 million square meters for promotion and application. From January to July this year, the city's renewable energy building area reached 798,600 square meters.

Create "green communities" and promote the construction of rural gas micropipe networks. Wuhu City promotes the construction of "green communities", builds grid management and refined services, improves the scientific, intelligent, and refined level of community governance and services, and optimizes property services. At the same time, comprehensively promote the construction of rural gas micropipe networks to reduce carbon emissions.

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