Hebei Province vigorously promotes building energy conservation and promotes green development



In recent years, Hebei Province has attached great importance to building energy conservation and green building development, focusing on improving quality and efficiency, and reducing emissions, implementing building energy conservation and raising standards, and actively promoting passive ultra-low energy buildings. Vigorously develop green buildings, steadily promote the energy-saving renovation of existing buildings and the application of renewable energy buildings, and strive to achieve green and low-carbon development in the building sector. Up to now, the province has built a total of 182 passive ultra-low energy building projects with a construction area of 5.308 million square meters, the largest construction scale in the country; a total of 166 million square meters of green buildings have been built, and the proportion of newly built green buildings in cities and towns has reached 93.44%.

Passive super-energy low-energy building construction "takes the lead"

Passive ultra-low energy-consumption buildings are commonly known as "passive houses", and their energy-saving effects are better than buildings that generally adopt 75% energy-saving standards. Hebei has been at the forefront of the country in the field of passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings. In 2013, the country's first passive ultra-low energy consumption residential building was built in Qinhuangdao. In 2015, the first passive ultra-low energy public building in the country-the scientific research office building of Hebei Construction Technology R&D Center was completed. Compared with public buildings with 50% energy-saving standards, this building can save about 224 tons of standard coal annually and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 596 tons.

Hebei Gaobeidian Train New City Residential Project is currently the world's largest passive ultra-low energy building complex, with a total planned construction area of 1.2 million square meters. According to the person in charge of the relevant departments of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hebei Province, after the completion of the project, compared with residential buildings with 75% energy-saving standards and public buildings with 65% energy-saving standards, annual heating can save 4210.4 tons of standard coal. The reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by 1,0496.3 tons can effectively promote the improvement of the regional environment.

Green Building Materials

The rapid development of green building fabricated buildings

On New Year's Day of 2019, the "Regulations on Promoting the Development of Green Buildings in Hebei Province" were officially implemented; in the same year, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Guidelines for the Preparation of Special Planning for Green Buildings in Hebei Province" to strengthen legal protection and planning first. So far, 13 cities and 148 counties (cities, districts) in Hebei have all completed the preparation of special plans for green buildings. Develop an implementation plan for the creation of green buildings, and vigorously carry out the creation of green buildings. In the first half of this year, the total green building area completed in cities and towns in the province was 14.6876 million square meters, accounting for 98.9% of the newly built building area.

This year, Hebei Province has newly built 14.921,800 square meters of prefabricated buildings, and the above-ground construction area accounts for 27.24%. In order to consolidate the foundation for the development of the prefabricated construction industry, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has cultivated 21 national-level prefabricated construction industrial bases and 24 provincial-level bases in the province. The construction of these bases has played a strong supporting role for the development of prefabricated buildings. Actively promote the construction of demonstration sites, Shijiazhuang, Tangshan and other four district cities have been recognized by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development as national prefabricated building national demonstration cities. The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development identified the first batch of 4 provincial prefabricated building demonstration counties including Lulong County and Wangdu County, and designated Cangzhou City and Tangshan City as pilot cities for steel structure prefabricated residential construction. Up to now, Hebei Province has promulgated and implemented 31 relevant standards, codes, atlases and quotas for prefabricated buildings.

Prefabricated building industry base

Promote green and low-carbon development with building energy saving

According to reports, during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Hebei Province will do a good job in carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in the building sector, and strive to maximize the use of new building resources, reduce energy consumption in existing buildings, and green engineering construction. Accelerate the formation of a simple, moderate, green and low-carbon production and lifestyle, and continuously improve the people's living quality.

Continue to strengthen law enforcement, planning guidance and policy incentives, increase the proportion of star-rated green buildings, and promote the high-quality development of green buildings. By 2025, the province’s urban green buildings will account for 100% of new buildings.

Since 2022, the newly started construction area of ultra-low energy buildings in the province has increased at a rate of not less than 10% each year, accelerating the formation of a large-scale development pattern. By 2025, the cumulative construction area of ultra-low energy consumption buildings will reach 13.4 million square meters, continuing to maintain the leading level in the country.

Promote prefabricated building design standardization, production factoryization, construction assembly, decoration integration, management informationization, and application intelligence, promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, and cultivate new industries and new kinetic energy. By 2025, the province’s urban prefabricated buildings will account for more than 30% of the newly built building area.

At the same time, promote the energy-saving renovation of existing buildings and the application of renewable energy in buildings. Incorporate the energy-saving renovation of existing civil buildings into local energy-saving plans, formulate a step-by-step implementation plan; promote the distributed and integrated application of solar photovoltaics in buildings, and adopt renewable energy such as solar energy, shallow geothermal energy, air thermal energy, and biomass energy according to local conditions .

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