Guangxi implements the approval of the notification and commitment system for the safety production license of construction enterprises


The reporter learned from the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region a few days ago that Guangxi fully implements the notification and commitment system for construction enterprise safety production permits. In the future, companies only need to submit an application online to apply for a safety production permit for construction enterprises, zero errands throughout the entire process, and the approval is completed on the same day, and the sense of enterprise gain will be further enhanced.

"In the future, don't worry about failing to complete the deferred business in time, which will affect your business!" Chen Juntong, deputy manager of the comprehensive department of a construction enterprise in Guangxi, told reporters that the safety production permit is very important to the construction enterprise. Without the safety production permit or the certificate expired, the project cannot be undertaken. In actual work, companies may not be able to participate in project bidding due to delays in applying for certificate extensions. "Get it right now, with high efficiency, which is conducive to the production and operation of enterprises."

The implementation of the commitment notification system does not mean the relaxation of the safety production supervision of construction projects. According to reports, Guangxi will verify the content of its commitments within 6 months after the company receives the production safety license. During the verification process, for enterprises that have falsified and do not meet the conditions for production safety, their production safety licenses will be temporarily detained in accordance with relevant regulations. During the temporary deduction of the work safety license, those who refuse to make rectification or fail to pass the rectification will have their certificates revoked and be punished in accordance with relevant regulations.

The relevant person in charge of the Administrative Examination and Approval Division of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region stated that the next step will continue to review the conditions for handling other administrative permits and administrative confirmations in the area of housing and urban-rural construction in the autonomous region. Further clean up and simplify matters involving relevant certification materials, continue to deepen and implement the reform of "delegation, management and service", create a better business environment, and promote the high-quality development of housing and urban and rural construction in the district.

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